Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Facilitating impactful contributions to support meaningful causes.

Planned Giving

Facilitating impactful contributions to support meaningful causes.

Planned Giving

Facilitating impactful contributions to support meaningful causes.

    Become a Legacy Donor

Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for The Hull Academy and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals.

There are several different ways to make a planned gift to The Hull Academy. We will be happy to work with you and your advisers to determine which of them may be right for you.

  • Residual Bequest:
  • Sample Residual Bequest: I give and devise to The Hull Academy, located in Kyle, Texas, and who's EIN number is 92-1545507 all (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or for the support of a fund or program).
  • Specific Bequest:
  • Sample Specific Bequest: I give and devise to The Hull Academy, located in Kyle, Texas, and who's EIN number is 92-1545507, the sum of $_______________________ to be used for its general support (or for the support of a fund or program).
  • Contingent Bequest:
  • Sample Contingent Bequest: If (insert name) is not living at the time of my demise, I give and devise to The Hull Academy, located in Kyle, Texas, and who's EIN number is 92-1545507 the sum of $_______________________ (or all or a percentage of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal) to be used for its general support (or for the support of a fund or program).

The Hull Academy EIN: 92-1545507

Gifts That Cost Nothing During Your Lifetime 

Gifts by Will and Living Trust

  • How it works

    • You include a bequest provision in your will or revocable trust.
    • At your death The Hull Academy receives the bequest you specified.At your death The Hull Academy receives the bequest you specified.
  • Benefits

    • You may change your bequest or trust designation at any time.
    • You control the funding property during your lifetime.
    • Your bequest or trust designation will not be subject to any potential federal estate tax.
    • You provide future support for The Hull Academy 

Gifts That Provide Payment To You For Life 

Do you want to support The Hull Academy but worry about having enough income for yourself and your loved ones? Life-income gifts such as gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts can provide donors with an income stream, significant tax savings, and the satisfaction of providing The Hull Academy with vital long-term resources.

The creation of a life-income gift benefits both the giver and the receiver—a "win-win" situation. The following life-income gifts are available, and one may be right for you. 

The Charitable Gift Annuity

A gift annuity can benefit The Hull Academy and pay you partially tax-free income for life.

Gift Annuity Benefits

Simplest and most popular of all the charitable gift-planning vehicles.

The Deferred-Payment Gift Annuity

A deferred-payment gift annuity can provide reliable future income while fulfilling philanthropic goals.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Accommodate personal financial considerations and charitable giving through the use of charitable remainder trusts.

Specific Giving Plans to Meet Your Unique Goals 

Charitable Tax Planning with Retirement Funds :- One of the many ways to give retirement funds to charity, as well as loved ones, while minimizing taxes on distribution.

Gifts of Real Estate :- A charitable gift of a residence, vacation home, or investment realty can enhance income and produce maximum tax benefits for you and your family.

Life Insurance: A Flexible Asset :- Life insurance can be used to provide for loved ones and The Hull Academy, as well as avoiding taxation on the proceeds.

Giving Appreciated Property :- There's great benefits in giving securities, real estate, and tangible personal property that don't come with giving cash.

The Charitable Lead Trust :- A trust can make annual payments to a charity and later be distributed to your family may be an effective way to provide for their future.

Why give to charity?

Working together, we can make a greater impact on the world around us.

Make a Donation

Disclaimer : The information contained herein is offered for general informational and educational purposes. The information cited is accurate at the time of writing. State law may affect the results illustrated. This is not legal advice. Any prospective donor should seek the advice of a qualified estate and/or tax professional to determine the consequences of their gift.

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